20 Spring Breakers Per Day Arrested

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by Jim in Cancun, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    (My translation of the original article found below in today's local paper Novedades de Quintana Roo.)

    Twenty Spring breakers per day arrested

    Fights, disturbing the peace and drinking in public are the main misdemeanours that spring breakers are arrested for in the hotel zone. According to the Civil Court, at least 20 American young people are arrested (every day) for violating local laws.

    The source reported that some 20 spring breakers per day are arrested and sent to Civil or Qualifying Court. But the most activity and work is at night when the kids go to the discos to have fun. The lack of control and excessive consumption of alcohol of the foreigners cause them to break the laws so that the Police have to intervene to protect public safety.

    The "Qualifying" Judge who prefers to remain anonymous, says that the majority of the young foreigners are arrested for disturbing the peace, taking part in a fight, drinking in public or urinating in public.

    The behaviour of the students is calmer compared to other years when spring breakers have been arrested for tearing up hotel rooms and/or bars or even beating up someone else.

    Up to now, there have been very few cases that have actually gone to trial.

    Up to now there hasn't been one single classic "mordida" or case of the police asking for or the foreigners paying a bribe to the Police. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????Translator's question and excamation marks!!!!???)

    In previous years it was an almost daily occurrence that the youngsters were victims of extorsion by the police.

    Finally the Civil Judge said that it is all about trying to help those foreigners that are arrested for misdemeanours since many times they run the risk of missing their flight or they let them call a friend to pay their fine among other things.(Eric Galindo)
    Remiten por día a 20 "spring breakers"

    Riñas, alteración del orden público y consumo de alcohol en la vía pública, son las principales faltas administrativas por las cuales son detenidos los spring breakers en la zona hotelera. De acuerdo al Juzgado Cívico, al menos son 20 los jóvenes estadounidenses que son remitidos por violar el reglamento al Bando de Policía y Buen Gobierno.
    La fuente informó que al día son remitidos unos 20 spring breakers al Juzgado Cívico o Juzgado Calificador por faltas administrativas. Pero la mayor actividad y trabajo es en las noches cuando los muchachos salen a las discotecas a divertirse.
    El desenfreno y el excesivo consumo de alcohol de los extranjeros propician que violenten el reglamento y por ello la policía preventiva tiene que intervenir para resguardar la seguridad.
    El juez calificador, quien prefirió guardar el anonimato, dijo que la mayoría de los jóvenes extranjeros son aprehendidos por alterar el orden público, protagonizar una riña, beber en la vía pública o realizar sus necesidades fisiológicas en la calle.
    El comportamiento de los estudiantes es tranquilo a comparación con otros años, donde había spring breakers detenidos por causar destrozos en habitaciones, bares o hasta por golpear a otra persona.
    Hasta el momento son muy contados los casos de los que han sido puestos a disposición del Ministerio Público del Fuero Común (MPFC).
    Hasta el momento no se ha dado ninguna clásica "mordida" o la "extorsión" por parte de los policías para con los extranjeros. En anteriores años era casi a diario que los muchachos que llegaban a vacacionar eran extorsionados por los uniformados.
    Finalmente el juez cívico dijo que se trata de ayudar a los extranjeros que son detenidos por faltas administrativas, ya que muchas veces tienen el riesgo de perder su vuelo o se les da la facilidad de llamar algún amigo para que pague su multa, entre otras cosas. (Eric Galindo)
  2. Mad-Ad

    Mad-Ad Guest

    +0 / 0
    Thats a fair few, I just wonder how many of them are English :oops:
    It almost very nearly happened to me in 2005 :-|

  3. putangie63

    putangie63 Regular Registered Member

    Jan 27, 2007
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    youngstown, oh
    +0 / 0
    Saw one guy get arrested outside the oxxo across from the omni. My friend and i walked in the store and there was a broken beer bottle on the ground so i'm guessing that's what started everything.
  4. nmarcks

    nmarcks Addict Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2003
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    20 a day doesn't sound to bad at all.

    I would think most days they arrest somewhere around there in the hotel zone. Seems like everytime I come out of club there is police talking to someone.
  5. hw711

    hw711 Moderator/Dance Machine Registered Member

    Feb 4, 2006
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    Some people probably bribed the cops to get out of trouble and was never on record so I am guessing the actual number is much higher.
  6. Zackman

    Zackman I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2006
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    Meeeechigan, USA
    +0 / 0
    Sounds like some peeps from this very forum have had personal experience!
  7. Kait13

    Kait13 Guest

    +0 / 0
    haha CC'ers are baddddd
  8. EngineerGuy

    EngineerGuy I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 15, 2004
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    I know a few CCers who have had their run-in's with the police in Cancun!
  9. f355969

    f355969 Guest

    +0 / 0
    I know somebody who was arrested for peeing in public like the champ he is he had his yardstick full of booze and still drinking in the paddy wagon. Lucky he was able to get out from sombody paying off the cops.
  10. whdream

    whdream Guest

    +0 / 0
    Oh gosh I saw some kid from my hotel get taken to the police station. Apparently he passed out drunk puked everywhere then got rowdy when they try to get him outta the lobby bar....

    Youngin's they just can't control their liquor....tut tut
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