Sounds great! I will ( eventually) put out a list of everyone who signed up & who wants to host. Since we have a lot of people who signed up, we may need to divide up, but we can make that call that night once we see who all shows up!!
Hiya, Sexy kinky friends We check in the 24th. If you will have a couple more party animals. Meet you all at the quite pool at 8pm? Feel free to message us to connect early. We will be in Cancun in 10 days! TTR 24th. We are both getting excited!
Soooo silly newb question here - Thu night is 'circus' theme - so are we in our theme outfits for the crawl? Seems everyone changes after dinner?
Not a silly question at all. You can come dressed for either. Last time, most people dressed for Bash so they could go down to the party directly from the crawl.
Wonderful! Willing to host! planning on a few decorations.. I understand we need a drink of choice? do we have a head count? 150 or so???