im doing the best i can here guys to stay out of the whole politics an religon stuff please im begging lets all make a pact to leave george bush, barak obama, idi amin, margaret thatcher, ghandi, mother theresa, NicolasSarkozy, mohammed, Taro Aso, george washington, Stephen Harper, Rhodri Morgan and queen elizabeth out of all this electric negativism well..........................unless of course you want to say something appropriately bad about the pedophile prophet...............then that would be nobody cares that much for pedophiles rob
music in nice shoes is always horrific we typically bring our own cd's and give the dude like a 20 dollar tip and tell him to walk rob
EZ on Elvis, he gave me $50 for carrying his bags to his hotel room, in little ol'Des Moines, Iowa. One of his last concerts. Of course being young and broke, I spent the $50. Probably filled my car up 5-6 times and got my 99 cent, six pack of PBR. Yes we are old and still go to TTR.