180 days upon arrival to Cancun! Any latest news?

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Cancunscorpio, Apr 17, 2007.

  1. Cancunscorpio

    Cancunscorpio Enthusiast Registered Member

    Aug 12, 2006
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    Last edited: May 16, 2011
  2. heatandsun

    heatandsun Guest

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    Last month I was given 20 days. I couldn't tell what he scribbled actually, so I asked 'how many days?", and when he said "20", he also said "how many days do you need?". I said I needed 30, please - and he changed it on the spot, with a smile (almost a first for me!).

    My experience has been all over the place since the 180 days was first announced - sometimes it's 30, sometimes 60, and sometimes they ask how many I need and only give me that (I never need more than 30).

    It's the luck of the draw, I think. Good luck!
  3. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

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    Agents were mandated to give 180 a while ago. Many do not do it. They use discretion. Some will give you the number of days that they write the quickest. So 90 is a lot easier to write than 180. Some will ask how many days you need. Some will become suspicious if you ask for a long stay. Some will just give you what you want and smile about it.

    If you have a return plane ticket to get home then show it and tell them how long you need, most will oblige if they are sure you are going to leave.

    If you are coming here to bum around and look like someone who would come here to bum around and you don't have a ticket back then they might not be so nice.
  4. BiznKitty

    BiznKitty Enthusiast Registered Member

    Nov 11, 2006
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    Let's say you get 30 or 60 days. Can you get more time by going to the immigration office

    When I lived in Belize, I could go to Mexico for three days and get another 180 days when I crossed back into Belize. (From Belize) Is the opposite true. If I get a stamp for 30 days upon arrival in Cancun, can I go to Belize for a couple days and come back to Mexico to get more time.

    We're coming down on an FM3, but I can forsee my 21 year old son wanting to come down and hang for awhile.

  5. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

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    Say you get 30 days on entrance, you then can go ask for more time from the downtown office up to 180 TOTAL, so you get 30 days and ask for another 150. After 180 days you must leave and you can come back and start over.

    The agents see thousands of people a day and can easily spot folks who are living here without proper permission, so it's not advisable to leave and come right back to get more time because it's such an obvious thing to do. It's better to just get an FM3.
  6. Klaw

    Klaw Guest

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    I just got back...they gave me 180 days on when I arrived.
  7. jen***

    jen*** Guest

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    And I bet you were tempted weren't you Karen!!

    My friend arrived at the end of Jan and she was given 90 days
  8. Klaw

    Klaw Guest

    +0 / 0
    You have no idea...especially since this was just a 4 day trip!!! Next month I'm making up for it though!!!

    Actually, I have gotten 180 days the last couple trips.
  9. BiznKitty

    BiznKitty Enthusiast Registered Member

    Nov 11, 2006
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    Thanks..... good info.
  10. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

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