Yes. VACATION!! Wooo! Im sayin this now: I am not drinking like I did in Cancun. U.S. liquor is that much stronger. :lol:
Oh I agree buddy...last week I had a few and could feel it...usually in cancun it takes like 10 minimum to the same level minimum
well I guess you are right. I likely wont be drinking as hard during the days as I did in cancun! Although the pool area at the MB is very nice. Might concentrate more and the ladies than the drinks during the day. At night, nothing but bottle service and ladies at the clubs. MY GOD I fear ian will drink me under the table upon first site............must prepare...........
werd. no kidding. ever since ive been back anytime ive done some drinking, ive been knocked on my ass. wasted. not once have I been that level of wasted in cancun. the place is truly heaven. :lol:
145 days....heck yeah!!!!!! let the countdown begin!!!!!!! Oh I am gonna drink like a champion in vegas...I have hardly drank since I have been back and I am just getting back into it......