Everytime I try to check any dates on the website past the new year it comes up blank. Can anyone tell me the premier rates for te fist and second quarter 2011
The best you can do is contact the resort (by email, if you do not mind waiting a few days) and ask them. The rates change all the time (my complaint) for no real reason, going up and down. I have always been able to re-book with the resort when/if the rates go down. They never get paid until a few weeks before the due date. This year I am going in September and they indicated that I need to pay before Aug 8, 2010. Cal
according to our contract all taxes are included in the AI price. So we shall see if they try and charge us for this next time we go down.
The (premier only) rate is still good. Saved myself $343 from our trip that was booked earlier in the year. The office could not tell me how long it will last. Cal