OMG :!: :!: Canuck she is so lovely :!: :!: I didn't expect her to be soooooo tiny :!: :!: :!: I wish you many happy years with her :!: :!: If you need more entertainment adopt a few guinea pigstoo :lol: :lol: :lol:
Guinea pigs would just be cat food around here, haha! Here's what Frijola is doing right now.....she's made herself quite at home. Cute little white chest and back paws, plus the very tip of her tail is white too. Little bit under the chin, it was hard to see in the first pics....
Hello, Congrats for your new baby she is really lovely. I would like to caress her too. But, hmmm.... Max can pronounce Frijola? After almost 8 years in Cancun (and a fairly good Spanish) I still have hard time to pronounce a word where there is a "r" and a "j" or "g"... like Jorge, for example :lol: :wink: See you soon
Hello everybody from Cancun I would like to introduce myself I am Susie from Playa del Carmen and I'm the crazy one who tries to find some nice homes for my neighbors puppies. It was so nice to meet Canuck and her family and I know "Frijolita" is a really lucky dog But there are still 5 "blackys" looking for a new home !!!! Like I told Rivergirl already I am pretty sure that there was no pitt bull involved but any other dog from our neighborhood could be the father :roll: If anybody wants to adopt one of this cuties please give me a call cel phone 984 87 65 363 Susie says hello to Cancun
Frijola and family Hello again, finnally I can post the pics from the new family of "Frijola" Isn't that a happy family ???????? Enjoy Susie
I would like to share with all of you the good news that there is just 1 black puppy boy left who needs a home Please help to find one for this cute fellow !!! Now I need some informations..... Does anybody know how I can contact the people from PATAS in Puerto Aventuras, so that I can take the females over there for operations ??? I heard that they are helping to fix the dogs for free... I would like to finish my mission with this family before any other "accident" will happen. If you know a phone number or e-mail adress please let me know Susie