13 hour trip report

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by breezesfan, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. kristinanddoug

    kristinanddoug Cancun Party Expert Registered Member

    May 8, 2011
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    Minneapolis, MN
    +11 / 0
    That's about the only thing I really hate about Temptation, those damn slippery floors and stairs everywhere you go, my wife's elbow still isn't 100% after her slip and fall last September.
  2. breezesfan

    breezesfan Guru Registered Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    JP8: I will have to remember that one !!!!
    Glad to know we aren't the only ones that fall !! Now, if it could only have happened on Sunday rather than Thursday !!!
  3. gbchayctca

    gbchayctca Guest

    +0 / 0
    Had to laugh when I saw this here too! Dude, I'm American and from Massachusetts. Don't know why you assumed that I was Mexican! And I pointed out that Amerimed isn't so out of line for a name of a hospital in Mexico, since Mexico is one of the three countries that make up North America.

    You clearly had a terrible experience and I'm very sorry for that, especially because I know just how treacherous and dangerous wet walking surfaces can be.

    I just don't get this: My wife is very proud of being a 28 year teacher, so she kind of got pissed when the Ameimed worker, threw her UHC card back and said "we don't take this here". Well thats a lie !! SHE GOT REALLY PISSED!!!

    Um, not a lie. The truth.
  4. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Houston, TX
    +4,621 / 14
    I've been to TTR, previously BBG, 8 times. I've been there blind drunk, and never broken myself. Those of you who know who I am get the joke. If you chose to walk through slippery spots, why is hat the resorts's problem?

    Let's just say, Slip & Fall cases do not win.
  5. Donald

    Donald Devil's advocate Registered Member

    Dec 2, 2010
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    Another bad place at the Sexy pool is where the steps lead out of the pool right beside the bar,, seem to be an endless stream of water/lotion, and oil.
  6. tiogamike

    tiogamike Addict Registered Member

    Oct 20, 2011
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    Mike & Dorothy, Atlantic City,NJ.
    +14 / 0
    We're really sorry to read about your horrible fall & short vacation. Hopefully you guys will give TTR another shot. We know you'll have a great Time. We met many fun people and had a fantastic time, we can't wait to go back.
    As you can see from the picture, I was also a victim of a slippery tile floor after a morning rain(and a few cocktails).
    A day earlier, our new friend Darren from Labrador, Canada had called the doctor for stitches because of a fall in his room, and it cost BIG money. Although I probably needed a couple stitches, I opted out of seeing the doctor or going to the local hospital. Lucky for me a lovey Canadian nurse at the sexy pool patched me up with steri-strips. On a positive note, the resulting black eye was a huge conversation piece. We met so many more people discussing my "post fight look" then we ever would have met. After feeling horrible for a few days after fall, and experiencing some equiliberium issues, we came to find out that my fall also left me with a concussion.
    I'm hoping after reading this, we hope that other TTR guests will take caution if they come in contact with wet floor tile. It really can be as slippery as ice![​IMG]
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2012
  7. JoeMar

    JoeMar Guru Registered Member

    Dec 3, 2007
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    It is universally accepted that if something is referred to as "American", then it is from the United States. I have never heard a Canadian or a Mexican refer to themselves as an American(unless of course they are living here).
  8. breezesfan

    breezesfan Guru Registered Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    DUDE: your comments on TA were one of the main reasons I cancelled the post. : On the Jamaica forums people who question every detail are assumed to be Jamaican nationals or business owners trying to promote their establisments.

    1. My wife fell and broke her wrist
    2. TTR got a male nurse to look at it
    3. Its Broken , we will cal1 the doctor
    4. we knew Delta had an 8 am flight, The CHristmas Holidays were here
    5. My wife said "I want to go home, right now. If we don't, its going to be a big mess"
    6. Doctor called "meet us at Amerimed Hospital for a X-ray"
    7. Amerimed, ah okay, An X-ray will be fine. Hey, it might not be broken (Wishfull thinking)
    8, Wife is a School teacher in Atlanta. They have etremely good insurance. its a very costly program for Ga edcators, but with all the options its the best
    people want a job here, just to get the insurance.
    My wife's NEA CC has a $$$$$ limit, we could have paid for just about anything
    9. never intended for any procedure to be done, just an Xray
    10. The attendant acted very rude and just threw the card back.
    11. "We don't take this here" in a rather loud voice
    12. the MD came in and told us he didn't need an X-ray. Maybe he was like Clarke Kent and had Xray vision
    13. We didn't walk out, we ran.

    The attendant was just plain rude !!!! We would HAVE never went except we assumed it was American owned. AND JUST FOR AN XRAY No anti-Mexican bias:


    The TA post quckly became a bash America type thing. As I stated, I wish I had never bothered to post anything. Unless its a "glowing" report, its best just to kept it to yourself. Never considered suing anyone LOL. Handrails are a complete waste of time and $$$.
  9. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Houston, TX
    +4,621 / 14
    I re-read my post, and it sounded major-league harsh, which isn't what I really intended. Sorry.

    Thing is, I was perhaps 10 feet away from a guy at the place next to the sexy pool where people come "up" to get to the bar, not the swim-up bar, and the guy slipped, SOBER (most likely his problem, come to think of it), and fell sideways and managed to crack his ddome on a step. Ouch!

    Gravity works. People fall. It happens. I simply don't understand why you thought the resort should think it was a special incident? People fall all the time. I bet they keep statistics on how many falls they have, where, at TTR. I would.

    Not to bet on, no. Quit thinking that. To fix it. C'mon, I'm not that mean.
  10. breezesfan

    breezesfan Guru Registered Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    John : LOL Well, When you break your hand in a fall, UGHHH, I kinda think thats a pretty major incident!!! No Handrails. I admit we had just got there and didn't know our way around. But yes its pretty major. Still AMAZED that TTR didn't at least send someone
    to come check on us. Wait a minute, they did call, It was for the time share presentation.

    I think that took that "And nobody gives a shit line" to the extreme. pretty clear they just didn't give a shit if we were alright or not.
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