Boy I guess a lot of people really have issues, if you read the first original post it was meant to be more of a joke, sarcastic, what we actually like... really it was
We sat and talked to the timeshare girl for about 10 minutes when we got here. When she tried to sign us up for a time, I said we were ok since they only had early times and I didn't want to get up that early. She got a look on her face like we kicked her dog, but that was the end of that. Things I hate: Not remembering if I've met people earlier in the day after they take their sunglasses off and put clothes on at night! lol
Hahah. Done that too. Had some friends tell us "wow you guys all look different with clothes on now!"
We know its a joke, but timeshare isn't and either are the people who try to push it. If they took a more relaxed approach to it, and had the exact same cost and fees straight across the board for everyone, they would sell more of it
It is too bad that timeshare is set up be sold more like a used car than something at Walmart. But more on topic. I really hate that I still have to wait almost a week before getting back to TTR!
Leaving is what I hate! That dreaded final day of vacation when you have to say goodbye to so many new and wonderful friends for life. I think if I have the misfortune to die and go to Hell, my Hell will be reliving leaving TTR over and over and over for eternity!
Im going to use that one. Since my wife is my girlfriend and she would find out. I love it when truth works:wink3: