And here I was, actually starting to think of some real life stuff instead of obsessing about our trip in October. Now you mid-October folks have me all stoked again for the trip and meeting you all. Michael and Tami, Crystal and Matt - looks like we have a body shot & girl kissing contest lined up! You guys both look younger than us, I hope we can keep up. We're both in our mid-40s. We'll probably party with you guys for an hour or two and go take our afternoon nap - lol.
Where do you guys get the whipped cream with liquor, Do you just order it online? I cant seem to find any at the liquor stores here. I def need to get a can or 2 before we leave tonight!
I haven't heard back yet. Their web site has a "where to buy" button that sends them a message with your location.
Never done body shots before. We Canadians are very conservative you know...I will need someone to teach me how it's done. :icon_wink: :flagcanada:
:uk1: Me neither Karen....You know what they say, ' Practise makes Perfect'....'Just show me one more time Please'......:angel2:
Yay! Thanks for volunteering to help the poor widdle sheltered Canadian girl learn a new skill, Jen and Todd! Knew I could count on you guys lol. Now, do we have volunteers to help the other Karen (Kazliz1)?