Boobs cruise We will be at GP on Dec30 to Jan 5th. It sounds good to go on the Booze cruise if we don't get a Boobs Cruise.
Gp nye You guys you will be there before we do. Get the party started and we will keep it going.
Let's get boobs cruise going Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We have been going the first week of July and new year for the last 3 years Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Fun We are thinking, breathless or Desire next July, when are you going:beer4:
Gp nye We will be at GP Dec 30th to Jan 5th. Boobs cruise for sure.:whisper:
We hope you will have time of your life
Gp nye We will be there also from Dec 30th- Jan 3rd. We hope it will be a good time full of fun and sun.:biggrinbandit:
Boobs cruise Make that 8 people, we are in also.:orangehat:
Did you guys unpack from your July trip yet, we unpacked today. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We always have great time, and that same creeper was after my wife.
yes we were, and we had a ball.
We missed guys, we were looking for you. Next time
Thank you for friend request
That fireball was good Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
July Fifteen (15) hours for take off, see you all of you sexy people in the sexy pool tomorrow. We should be in the Jacuzzi by 3 pm for pre meet...
You are on Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
room crawl The 6th it is good with us :musik026:
room crawl I'm not sure if we can come up with theme, because i'm working tomorrow and we have not packed yet, leaving Sunday morning, maybe we...
room crawl I think we should have 4 couples volunteer their rooms not more, because that is a lot of shots in a little time.