How bout the boobs cruise they are trying to plan. If anyone has interest then we need to post on the boobs cruise thread for January (boy/girl...
There will be a bunch of people there from the 15-22nd of Jan. Pretty sure most of the Miss Temptation crowd will be into this.
That really sucks, the airline should do something for you!!!!!!! Call them and raise some hell.
Not a bad idea, you gonna start the thread?? I would settle for a couple of theme nights and a room party. Just depends what others are into.
We need to figure that out pretty soon, as far as I can tell there are only a few people on here that are going at that time. Is there another...
Looks like one of the girls dropped out
We meet so many great people there that we still keep in contact with as well. The wife copied all of the private pics and mailed them out to...
Jenessa has been shopping on WW and MS for 3 weeks and the stuff is just now rolling in. I'm pretty sure we can pack her whole weeks clothes in a...
A "white" party would AWESOME and also I think we should combine lingerie night and body paint night! The body paint is fairly cheap and like I...
Well alright then, seems like most of the people are booked. Any ideas on theme nights. We vote body paint night. lmao here is a link Liquid Latex...
We are booked too! We arrive in Cancun around noon! WhooHoo!! The stressful part is done and we are super excited now!
Hey ladies check your emails..just got the following information from Mario: Good morning ladies, If you can please send me your names as they...
Well we can share. We can paint each other and then paint the other girls
our vote is in. really want you to go. body paint all the way
fairly certian that the boys arent included in the trip and they cover themselves. As for direct flights- bwi has one and so does dulles and woo...
The bar usually stays open till everyone leave. Partydoll I was there for most of those 4am nights, what a blast. During the day I use the blue...
Ok we see, lets make it all happen.
Ok the guys can START..but we better not turn out looking like kindergarten art projects :)
I love the body paint idea! But Tonia, can I help paint too?? PLEASE :)
Anyone got suggestions for more theme nights.