:aktion033: Sounds like I might be a little hungry but those swedes kept my mind occupied. Jenessa was doing body shots off of one of them on the...
I'm still waiting to find out how my dinner was.
We love the Golden, always had a great time there. The alcohol there is not top quality, Fonzi will hold a bottle for you if you go and get it....
For dinner tonight I'd like the Mexican joint. Then lets go to the bar for body shots.
LMAO, Jenessa and I are the same way. Jenessa is planning her school girl outfit. She said the skirt might be to long ( 8" ) . Is the skirt to long???
Great trip report!!!!!!
Ladies-I still have to run the whole body paint plan by Mario to make sure its ok with the resort and to see what he thinks. As for...
I am sure will see you there. Make sure you guys come and say hi.
Now that is funny
We got you covered
MrMrsdiesel and I ordered enough wristbands for all of us we hope. Just email us or post if you want some and we will make sure that we save them...
This is an email I sent to Mario regarding Xplor. My questions are in lower case and his answers are in upper case. Hope this helps a little, I...
I got wristbands for all. We got enough for everyone participating in the contest and a whole bunch of the cancun care people. MrMrsdiesel and...
Wrist bands are in woo hoo. Miss Temptation on one side and the dates on the other . They look pretty cool.
We got some wrist bands and we should be there on the 15th in the early afternoon
5 girls already. who else?? The painter is the guy that goes to Desire regularly to paint people there, the money goes for his service.
Whats the weather like. Hot , cold, cloudy, sunny
Happy New Year all
We got 5 girls so far, where are the rest of the Miss Temptations girls?
As far as we are concerned , the more the merrier. We are here for the memories and friends. So everyone if they want to be. You may have a...