ROFL - how many does it take to get Unicorn Hunters? :D ... (we know what THAT is, awesome) ...
you as well! :)
You can count on it! Bathing suit, not required. :)
Sounds great! You'll have a blast... this will be our second trip.. Make sure you sign up for the boobs cruise once it's offered :).
Yes! We are booking shortly as well... 20 sounds great :). Except this time we can't be too hung over to miss the boobs cruise.
Nov 9-17 :D ... Second trip! Booooobs cruise!
We're tossing around the idea of going Nov 9-17. Just need to book it! We missed the Boobs cruise last time we went to TTR (too hungover...
And... another one in for you! My better half finally got around to it :) Again, Vancouver represent!
You have our votes :) Vancouver represent! Hope to run in to you at TTR soon!
Who said that sports jerseys weren't a fetish? :) Maybe not football shirts...
Not every sack of potatoes isn't sexy! ;) That's the same problem we had and, if I recall correctly, we didn't do that theme night. Wonder if...
When we went, the women wore a mans white dress shirt with heels -- very, very sexy!
Yes, Ibiza is on the bucket list as well! Might have to swap out any thoughts on Southern France and do it up Spanish style :)
The other tops/clothing optional AI's in the Caribbean (Hidden Beach, Tower Isle) might be a little bland compared to TTR if you enjoy the...
We've been to Desire once and Wayne's comments were exactly the case, but we were lucky to end up going the same week as a good group. Both of us...
Wait wait, I meant... uh, favorite SNOW destination. Hot tubs, snowflakes, booze, oh yea! :P
We've only ever been to Mexico in the summer and find it very humid, but not overwhelming. Like Karen, we're from the cool Vancouver climate and...
Regardless, just book your second trip now! ... on that note, we really should get around to it as well. Have to make up for missing the boobs...
Haha! Well if you want to get all specific with my (probably drunk) observationally made up percentages then 3 out of 100 ... :D Maybe...
Ah yeah, we did desire a couple summers back and got lucky to have a good group show up. We found TTR to be a bit better age-wise, but a little...