My Direct flight will be with TED this year. upon return, I will be flying ALASKA
Also keep in mind. If your dates are flexible, you might want to check traveling out mid week. Usually that is cheaper
From my searches and Experience. LAX seems to be the cheapest. are you flying out of San Jose? If so. check with Expedia flying out of LAX. then...
"Muchas Gracis por su Servicio" = Thank you very much for your service And leave some Money
Does anyone have a map or diagram of the Oasis Cancun. I wish to know which tower is what Phase #. were rest are located, etc.
Oasis Cancun From Aug 22 - 28
(BUMP)........................ Any recent updates?????
I ate at "La Parilla" in downtown. I really liked it. a bit expensive for being Mexico, but it was good. Great parilladas. I hear alot about "La...
Cool, Thanks. Had me confused for a while
Steve, Have you noticed the price for Child is different? Entertainment plus is 55, your website is 46. This is for the public tour
I noticed to get a better deal you need the discount card. If I purchase more than one ticket, do I need one card per ticket purchased? We will...
I noticed to get a better deal for Xcaret, you must have a discount card. will one card allow you to purchase for more than one person? We will be...
That would suck in a way. I really loved that place. Less crowds, and plenty of activities. Very well organized
Does anyone know when Tres Rios will reopen? I have heard Summer of this year, is that true?
Anyone throw out some recent Pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have heard bad things about this place. My plans are until August (Can't wait). This time of year, it should be less crowded. I know all you...
How is the 1942? can you really taste the difference from the regular Anejo or reposado? What is the cost of a 1942 around cancun/downtown?