In all honesty - We will probably be so drunk most of the time that we probably won't even realize something is stolen until we get home!LOL My...
We are going the 20th of June though the 26th.
I know - I need to post one right?
Thanks for the advice. I never thought about keeping locks for my suitcases. Good idea.
Okay - all those stories scare me. Is this place dangerous? I live in small town America - You know the kind where you leave your house for the...
Hey Bethy - maybe next year we can plan a little better. I can guarantee you one thing. You will laugh a lot when you are with me!!!!
We will be blowing their minds. They will be wanting us to go back twice a year don't ya think?
That sounds great! I bet together we can talk him into dancing!
Life is boring if you don't know how to laugh at yourself, right?
We are going the 20th of June through the 26th. When will you be there?
I saw it listed on the daily activities. I didn't see a time. I think it sounds sexy, even if I make an idiot of myself.
Seriously life is too short to stay away from the alcohol. I'll take the extra meat on my body!!
That is excactly what I am afraid of - I am afraid of becoming addicted! Love to drink, love to dance, and love to act out of control. You would...
Have any of you taken that class. It sounds really hot! I have moves, but adding some new ones can't hurt anyone! ( or maybe it could)
I am so sad - We will arrive on a Friday and leave on a Thursday. We are going to miss that night.
Your reply was too funny. No I figured that not many would confess to the wildest thing they did!!! Do you ever look at your spouse on the...
If you all plan a booze cruise between the 20-26th count us in.
What is the wildest thing you have seen at Temptations?
So are all of you all going to be hanging out at the Sexy pool. Can't wait to meet everyone.
That sounds exactly what I am looking for!!! I am lucky to have a husband who doesn't have a jealous bone in his body. Wish I could be more like...