Here in Las Vegas you can go to the drive-through and get legally married on a moped for 50 bucks. Elvis will do that too. Not sure how much the...
9am to 1 pm??....does that include a coffee breake and lunch??? Dang!! I thought we had it good here in the states working only 40 hour weeks.
Don't know why you hate to have your picture taken. Such beautiful features should be shared with the world. I just wish I could enlarge it a...
Is that a union plumber?
Removing the trap of a sink and replacing it with a straight pipe + plugging the vent will stink up with whole place and will take them for ever...
"Su propina" should work. If you write any more than this it will get complicated. This is a neutral statement. No gender specified, no confusion....
HOT indeed. mmmm mmmmm mmmm!!
I'd apply for a job with them, but I'd be in jail withing a week. I'm just too weak to have a job like that. I'd be giving five year visas to...
If your agent showed you the house, the electronic lock box records the amount of time and the agent who showed the place. Cool tools these agents...
It's good to know I'm not the only "normal" person around.
I've seen very nice condos 100 yards from the beach in the HZ for $1500. Something not that nice has to be cheaper.
I stopped using cologne when I discovered the scent of my feet and armpits drove the ladies wild. It's natural and doesn't cost a cent.
I believe she will need a letter of consent from both parents to exit the country. I'd check with your travel agent. My son had to have my...
Don't know about Canada but I know here in the states they sell some that work in Mexico. Go to where they sell them and inquire. If there's a way...
You dah man T.J. You, River, Steve and everyone who goes out of their way to help out. I have volunteered to collect $ for several...
I've sent stuff all over the world and I usually gift wrap them and write "Happy Birthday" Mexico "Feliz Cumpleanos". They might...
When I was a renter and had a problem like that, I would call my land lady and ask her to take care of the problem. She usually took care of it....
I personally FEAR NO BEER!!
I'd advise you to call Better Business Buro and place a complaint, but then you still have to pay to place the darn complaint. At least they would...
Anyone who has anything bad to say about IBPASD is a biggot!