Ill be smoking in mine no question! haha
2 true, everyone has been struck down with man flu or bird flu (delete where appropriate) and we too have to pay our balance i beleive by febs 5th
were single and going 4 handed and were defo not pervs! but i agreee with everything u say, take pictures by all means of ya own group and all...
Nothing at all is wrong with it, perhaps it was more the way u said the initial statement - ie 'how can i record ppl without them taking offence'...
Y would u wanna film ppl anyway, some would call that voyeurism
Lol ill be doing a full de-breif once its over! i shud think there will be a few stories knowing how p1ssed up us mob usually end up on these...
Cheers mate, i may well have a little pic up as well then!
Tremendous news...good skills. On a side not how do i get a pic if i cant link to a website, rather just one i have saved on my pc? Gracias
Haha ill drink to that! it will be a good holiday im sure and plenty of the chaps on this particular beano are more than happy being corrupted!...
Blimey oreilly! this board is crazy! wont take much hard work no doubt! the cocktails will be flowing and the sun will be shining! i rele cannot wait!
all u couples and 4 booked poss 2 more single blokes! hahaha
im sorry but as evil as it is, i didnt want him to pull the lever. i dont know how anyone realistically could knowing there loved one would be the...
Speach! shes a lot older than me but i defo would!
us 2933, im only playing with ppl! what ppl wanna get up2 in their own time is none of my business!ull see us out there and ull see straight away...
well thank god they allow singles now! I cnt wait for this holiday, the day times will be spent getting as brown as possible but come the evening...
haha the outrage! lol, im with 3 other single blokes, will take ya missus of ya hands if u so wish! sorry im just playing
we are indeed, 11.40 or something like that? r u on the same one?
Brits shy??? us lot must be singing from the wrong hymsheet then!!
haha i will indeed, u wont miss us lot! see ya at the sexy pool haha