:P thats good that they are still doing that less to pack into our bags premier members geting better towels what the hell a towels a towels just...
is Temptation still supplying beach towels only 9 days to go :ukface: :beergone:
birmingham airport last year 400 fags 54 pounds but on the plane they was cheper but forget how much you will get email from this link...
we must have missed the cheap deals lol still 2 grand well spent we back 9th june -23rd
sue`s mum passed away tuesday 13th its hard to say how she feels we will be at ttr 9thjune and she has said she dont want ppl comeing to her and...
go from ttr about 2200hrs for all the clubs
from plane pj`s to well use your imagination all down to how brave you are
hi coco bongos is a must do it is on a monday brill show and dance till morning we left at 04.30 am and it was still full then as for the other...
how can you not have fun at ttr/bbg ok we do not take part in the games but we still have a laff with them who do . as for the drinks we never get...
got this from ttr web page Monday of “The Quest” Guests will take part of one of the teams that will be on the search of different items as...
pass our condolences dont know the lady but we know how she must have felt lost my dad the day we went away 2 years ago we are haveing some thing...
we think there was a band on sunday nights june last year
we had brill time last year and we are far from slim roll on june just go and have fun :lotsofmichaelf:
hi do you know what part of the uk she came from and maybe her last name ? mite be a chance if you mail the hotel they just mite give you her full...
Just a small note we are back this year for our wedding anerversarey all 26 years we had a grate time for our 25th hope its even better this year
none steve football not our thing only watch the big england games beeston neer to derby border J24/25 M1
the only problem we had with the security guards late at night on the beach was asking what we was smokeing
just had a very funny email on one mans idea how to give him self a wax short film if any one knows how to add it from an email pm us and will...
9th-23rd 2nd trip
hiya from the uk 9th-23rd for us 2nd trip