sad thing is those shots were probably all from the same day! he had dropped his laundry alot the day we found you by the pool late! to each is...
:huh: Mike & Jules WHERE are you???????
Yes had a nice buzz on most of the week, was tough getting back into the swing of things back home. Nice to have met you! and glad to have met all...
Mike & Jules have seemed to fallen off the radar!!!!!! we also have tried to PM them and have gotten no response! Glad to see the rest of you...
Not sure I will EVER be able to play darts again without flashbacks!
glad you enjoyed your stay! not sure if we crossed paths
But I have noticed that only 2 of the SEVERAL friends that we met have commented on this,,,,, BOO!!!! come on guys where are all of you?
Well Hello stuart well i hope not too many of the pics from your camera end up on the internet, as I remember during casino you and your friend...
:huh: MARY & STEVE where are you???????
dont mean to be a downer but unless they have changed it casino night is on Thursdays, that would be the 12th,&24th just incase you were all...
looks like they need someone to step up and rally everyone like I did or this one might not happen! LOL
Man I had some serious withdrawls on Sunday, needed to have a drink just to feel HUMAN again! LOL but back to normal now. Back to the old grind!...
Dont forget we all need to swap pics with eachother! So get those discs made up and we will get them flying out the door!
NO WORRIES!!!!! I got you covered!!!!!!! It is in the BAG! Like we all were ! LOL
We didnt bring big mugs but saw other people with larger cups and mugs and they didnt seem to have a problem getting them filled. Right BOB????? LOL
I have wrote a review on TA under same name and have a brief one on this site as well, this is EXACTLY what you are looking for from what I read!...
OH sorry I thought it said BIRTHDAY suits and we were going to see HammieJ in hers! LOL :headbanger:
AH MEN to that Steve! It was a good time and they are GREAT people! And we feel lucky to have met them all are are glad we had this site to do so!
As far as we are concerned the people we met here and got to hang with there MADE our vacation! So a BIG thanks to you Steve! Hanging with you...
Steve, I am sure Mel & I will get to go for a long weekend here or there and we will be taking our son to Maine for a few days but we...