Bump again for the final push!
Thank you all again for your thoughts it really means alot! Sorry to shane and Des for the bullshit that they are going through with this Miss...
Hey guys! We have gotten your disk! we have also sent ours out to Mike& laurie, Shane & Des, and Todd& Meg, we have one for Mike&...
THe little big man is doing good! thank you all for your thoughts! Now lets get this win!
Glad to see CANCUNCARE ROCKED the vote! Our little bigman is doing fine! Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers! Go get em Des!
Lets not make this like some threads, Dont just look! If you look REPLY if you LOOK and REPLY then make sure you VOTE!
ATTENTION all cancuncare regulars, newbies, addicts, ect. It has come to my attention that one of the contestants for the Miss Temptation FEBRUARY...
Sorry all for the absence, been having some issues with our sons health, he is going in for a procedure tomorrow morning. ( Keep your fingers...
WELL WTF??????
Mel said she couldnt get the videos to run either. Too many shots meg,,,,lol
Just got Todd & Megs disk, cant wait to see that mess! lol
just got Todd & Megs disk, mel has looked at it but i havent gotten to it yet but I hear it is a DOOZIE!!!!!!
any word yet Shane? got an itchy voting finger,,,,lol
we were there jan 30th - Feb 6th! Had a BLAST! Steve's BOOZE CRUISE is definately a BUCKET LIST item! good times with good people! Breaking the...
NICE!!!!!!! We have probably 6 accounts that we can vote from! Make sure you remember us little people when you win all your stuff!!!!! LOL
Nice Shane! always looking out for me! Cant wait to get mike & Lauries disk! We will be trying to get ours out soon!
Thanks guys!!!! Looking forward to seeing them all!
Re: tipping We arrived around 3pm on a friday and got massages that night. It will all depend on the availability of the spa. Best of luck!
Hello? Hello? Hello? is this thing on?????