im sure they do
stella=skunk.....long hard week of school, yall are probably thinking YEAH RIGHT
hadnt really drank that much since last week...its making me REALLY sad so ready for round 2
well id rather be a college "baby" than to have a grown up job:) sorry andrew haha
im with kait, lots of sorority shit to do....big SAE party tonight going to that
my sisters college roommate is from tulsa! she misses it there
personally, i do not like myspace....but you better believe im on facebook! elizabeth gordon western ky 09
well thats good to know, look through my facebook pictures and take your pick:)
yeah well like in a matter of 2 days all the flights had changed and we were going to have to drive all the way to stl instead of nashville, so it...
how much discount are we talking? oh yeah and we are doing a direct flight next time, none of this out of the way connection business
well we will probably do that then. i know the 6 that went this last time will be returning plus we will probably more that want to go with us,...
ok i can believe it
im not dealin with families...thats annoying and i know we get on their nerves too. i dont really know why you would take kids to cancun in...
ok ok im hopin to be at the oasis next year.........and there will be at least 8 of us this time!! so get your game face on
if we stayed at the grand could we come over and just party with yall all day long?
tell me what you think....
we will probably do ours sometime in the fall, hopefully before christmas
well i was just wanting to do it before i get out of college....which isnt that far away...
um well i told myself that after christmas break i was going to "diet" and work out, well neither of those really happened. in cancun all we ate...