I think 7 nights is a good max for us. And we are only mid 30s. And we spent the humpday exploring Isla Muejeres. It also depends on how hard you...
Thanks. I didn't literally mean that I would be asked to get naked. It was just an analogy.
Again.. it's not a "little odd" for people that havent been to the resort many times or are relatively younger in age. I'm comfortable getting...
So can ppl participate and join without hosting in their own room?
If anyone is there right now, can you please post a picture of the daily activity schedule? Gonna be there in 2 weeks so want to look with the...
We can easily deal with it if that's the case. It's the whole "it's a boob cruise duh" mind set that would be annoying. Like I said, we likely...
The whole concept of you "have to take your top off"is frankly a bit of a turn off for new ppl. My wife and I likely would end up doing naughtier...
Bummer. So did normal OTC things like Pepto not work for those who got sick there?
Although I can get drunk in the US and TTR, my wife and I definitely think that unless you explicitly ask for an extra rum shot in your Colada, or...
We're down to join a room crawl one day. Never been to one, figured it'd be a fun way to predrink before Bash. 12/2 -12/8
I think ppl would spend more time at the beach if it wasn't so narrow/small and had a full bar there with music, somewhere ppl can congregate.
So can someone confirm if my wife and I can use spa/sauna/whirlpool together?:D
Haha. But do tell. Maybe we will just have a few. Also, I may PM you for more isla details to keep this thread about the alcohol.
We always tell ourselves we will sip slowly. But when it hits your lips... That 3rd drink tastes better than the 2nd. 9th better than the 8th....
Definitely can't do beer too much nowadays, makes me too bloated to get as drunk as I need/want to be. Daytime is a mix of tequila shots, frozen...
Oh. I'm sure my wife and I will have a great time. But we've only been once in April 2018, and that was packed in a good way. Wonder if Dec...
Man.. why does it seem like most ppl are coming outside our windows of 12/2-12/8? Tons are coming during Thanksgiving and mid Dec. Guess I missed...
You hit it on the head. Been to various resorts all over the carribean including Breathless PC and Grand Lido Negril most recently. Nothing...
"Mack and Dee" Dates: December 2nd-8th Number in group - 2 Boob cruise - Maybe 2nd trip to TTR
Wife and I are booked for our 2nd trip (Dec 2nd - Dec 8th). Hopefully the pool isn't too cold for my wife lol!!