Can you add our group? We have 3-4 couples that would love to exchange gifts and meet some people. Anthony and Melina Joe and sandy Joel and...
8 of us for 25th 26th or 27th also!
I also have 8 of us that would love to go on 25,26 or 27th we are there from 24-28th!
We are there 24-28 with 2-3 other couples. It's everybody's first time! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Can't wait! 6 of us newbies 24-28th!
25-28 newbies with 2 other couples!
Newbies 24-28. With 2 other newbie couple!
This sounds like it should be the theme song at temptations! Rodney Carrington "show them to me"
First timers. We will be there 9-13th
First time also! 9-13th
Anything by steel panther!