But, we still have the rest of Spring and Summer to go. :roll: That's Ok, we'll stay busy working on our tan's :flash: so we'll be ready...
Yeah, I know what you mean.......Tim always tells me I'm wishing my summer away. I don't want to do that, but I am ready for our trip to TTR....
I thought it would have been hard to find, but then I looked for it by all the post I started. There's no telling how many pages down it was.
HEY, Where are the rest of the September party animals??? We are really looking forward to returning to BBG/TTR!!!
WOW, Thanks for sharing your TR with us and the pictures are nice too!! Now look at our count down clock, we still have some time to wait before...
we had a garden view room the last time we were there. It wasn't a great view, BUT it didn't ruin our vacation. we were happy with what we had...
WOW!!! This is what I get for starting this post. After reading all of the replys, it don't sound too boring at night. LOL, Sounds like fun!!...
we were there a couple years ago on Easter. Everything was opened, all bars at the resort and downtown.
OMG, I didn't realize the lines are so long. we don't like wasting our vacation time either to wait in long lines. maybe that's the reason we...
I can't remember how it was the last time we were there, but was wondering about making reservations for the resturants. we will only be there 5...
I see you're brand new to this board and that is the most Important ? you have. You're not worried about the resort at all, just where can you...
What goes on at TTR each night? Is it plenty to do there, or do you have to go out to find something to do? How is the entertainment there?...
Thanks to all, I'm sorry I should have updated this. We are booked.
My Husband and I will be there September 9th - 14th. Who will be joining us then? Who's going in September?? This will be our 2nd time there,...
OMG, well now that you mentioned it, I remember when we were there before, it was like a swarm of bees. we did book our transportation in advance...
do you have to book transportation in advance or can we take a chance and try to get transportation after we arrive?
yeah I think that's who we used the last time we were there. The bad thing was we had a driver that had a car that was running hot the whole way....