hurricane I know EXACTLY waht you are talking about. I am from Iowa priginally. My whole family still lives there. In Keokuk. Its crazy what has...
reply Yeah, I am starting to wish we went down for longer than eight well as wishing that my plane left today....
Anyone on here from the Carolinas?
booze cruise Count me and Suzie in for the booooooze croooooze!!!!! J.
drink I guess I will have a drink.....but just one, if you twist my arm. :D
girly girl send a pic to with your user name and he will do it or Jeanie will.
you mean there are people at this place with their clothes off?! I better reschedule for the Super 8, that is preposterous!!!! Who allows that? :P
swinging LOL that is HILARIOUS!!!
it will be our first time there too!
apparently there is one in the spa. We are going the 21st of this month till the 28th. How do you get a pic loaded on this thing? you...
roll call My wife and I will be there 21st -28th Also, how in the world do I get a pic on here? Thanks!
Temptation June My wife and I are going to Temptations for the first time and will be getting there the 21st-28th. We are pretty excited and...