Thanks! We'll look Carmen up!
A home within the City.
Almost :)
We need a little help....we need to escape Hillbilly H@#$ :) My husband and I want to eventually move to Cancun. Our grand plan is to buy a...
Woohoo....34 Days!!!!!!!!
Bravo!!! Well said :)
I wouldn't expect anything less ;)
We'll buy the 3rd round...We'd offer the first but we will not be there until around noon on the 25th:(
I vote for F*%$ Me Fairy....LOL
I am right there with you :) 39 days and counting, hard to believe its almost here considering we booked shortly after our last trip (October '07)
Rob & I are interested in taking a trip to visit some of the Mayan Ruins but we do not want to take a "bus" tour. So we are looking at renting a...
We'll be there from 10/25 to 11/1 :)
This bites!
Re: Just another 1st timer question, about booze. Don't get your hopes up. They didn't have it last year when we went although that could of...
He is laying low saving up all his energy for the late October Crew :)
We'll be the happy people coming in the door that you'll loath :)
Now that is a good one...
We were thinking of a caveman & cavewoman theme (easy to pack, just a little nightie and maybe some "bone" pasties)....
You are also in our thoughts and prayers. The American Cancer Society has patient navigators in most hospitals who are there to help answer...
66 Days and counting...WooHoo...I couldn't be more excited :) Rob & I went shopping for some clothes this weekend. I was looking at some really...