Barcelo tucancun!!the rooms look really nice and u get to use the sister hotel as well!!gonna be a blast.
Yeh its WICKED!!! so basically if we get borded with the girls at the tucancun theres always the costa!!!lol ha ha ha :lol:
WHAT!!!!no pool bar!! i was well loking forwards to that!please say its not true :evil:
Im sensing an all day drinking/last man or women (but most probably a man) standing comp!! or we could do the centurian before we go out!! :P
Sounds like a plan!!
Soooooo.... is there a party or not??? :roll:
Sadly not the brightest!! :lol: :roll:
Why is everything different in america!!!!u guys get girls flashing whilst we brits have gay boys bumming!!! Mardi Gras sucks over here,lol no pun...
Wat about a video camera?? can u take them into the clubs???
so when is the first mardi gras party for me?? i arrive on the 6th of march and im there till the guessing from past posts its on the wed...
Me plus one For the 11th!!!!!!!!!
have you got the fatman scoop song out there yet. usually u get everything 1st in america but i was told when i got it its an exclusive from a new...
HA HA. :lol: True!!
FATMAN SCOOP feat jeannie ortega - CROWDED!!! this is a TUNE!!!!! P.DIDDY - LAST NITE + P.DIDDY ROCK!!!! Cant get enough of these songs let me no...
lol :lol: :lol:
I heard it increases your chances of getting laid!! :roll:
AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! :sofa:
does the lagoon have crocs in?
cool and the place we end up in is the club with the water slide in?!am i rite?