check out my myspace got a vid on there from the 1st ever time we had a drunken round(3 years ago)!!lol everyone tried to take it so seriously...
Wicked Vip!!!thats gonna be something you wont forget!!but im sure the golf will be ten times better!!!!!! :roll: :lol:
ha ha guess ur gonna have to have eyes like a hawk then!!i had a girl friend last year when i was djing in greece, she worked as a pr for my...
Game on sound like we got one 4 ball!!jason we will be very drunk too thats the idea of the challenge.
In england we call that the CENTURIAN!!!!we shall deffinatly be game for that.
i prefer a good old game of fives or extreme rock paper scissors!!get me drunk everytime. and it helps let off a bit of steam.
Lol you americans really know how to take something to town!! :lol:
well looks like we got some contenders!!!we will have to play under the influence though!!the deal is meet up have a few drinks (when i say a few...
LOL!!My mate who im coming with was telling me about that!!he coaches football (soccer) out in the US and says you guys are mad on that game!!lol...
well we'll just have to wait and c. i hope you dont think i mean crazy golf!! :lol:
Im sure there is gonna be a lot of partying but it all has to stem from something so post any good games that get the drink flowing and the PARTY...
lol. i havent got much patience though so if ur really bad.............. :roll:
oh we can still have a go though.we've got two weeks there remember so i doubt we'll be round the pool everyday. me and my friend challenge you...
well challenge number four is gonna have to be a stand alone thing as well!!! rite last one!! 5. Beat some americans at golf!! It would help...
not long left now girlies!!!!!remember when u arrive i will be sat pool side waiting for a drink!!! :wink: :lol: (make mine a corona) :roll: :lol:
ive gotta get my pic taken with memebers im sure ur all a friendly bunch!!really looking forwards to meeting u all on the 11th!!might even catch a...
oh dont worry we are planning to come back with loads of pics!!!gonna be a rite happy snapper."ohhh look the sun!!!must get a pic of that cing as...
But are you???that is the question??ha ha.
read the above! BUMP!