BOOBS CRUISE Jan 9th, woooooohoooo!!!!
Hey, I was born in Regina, hope to see you folks at ttr
I just recieved my new poser thongs, thanks for the info they fit great. I orderd them with one cm extra in the pouch, great fit
Thanks, sherry just picked up her bikini from Malibu Strings. The Berry Dog one looks very nice!
We are hoping for a school girls night
Returning to Temptations for our second trip and looking forward to meeting lots of new people. Jan 2 - Jan 16
We are going for our second trip to Temptation on Jan 02 to Jan 16. We are looking forward to meeting new people and having a great time!!
We will see you at Temptations. Have you been there before? It is our second trip
Are the rooms over Paty "O"s considered Ocean view, Garden view, or both?
Do all garden view rooms overlook the main road?
Sherry and I are going back to TTR Jan 2nd for two weeks, wooohooo! I have read in some posts that we are not allowed to "use" or balconies any...
It really doesnt hurt that much. I have actually fallen asleep during it.
We are going back to Temptations for two weeks, arriving Jan 02. We cant wait!! We already ordered our thongs, wooooohooo
I even get a brazilian wax for my girlfreind. Hey guys.....if we expect it from them we should reciprocate.
Hey, we saw lots of men in thongs when we were there, I was one of them. I think, wear what you are comfortable in. I wear them because they are...
I love the way you think!:daveandmo::daveandmo:
wow Our first trip to TTR was amazing. It was the first time I had ever been to such a laid back and accepting resort. We never felt the need to...
Great picture, is she wearing a wicked weasel?
We had a great time at TTR. We had a ground floor and never closed our blinds....ever. We even had fun on our patio, woooooohooooo. Damn I love TTR
We were on the ground floor and had some fun on our patio, we forgot to supply the popcorn though. Oh well, I dont think anyone minded! :69: