"Those teams noticed something strange: The flu was killing people aged 20 to 40. Flu victims are usually either infants or the elderly." [source]
Mexico toll at 81 now ( I suspect it is higher -- closer to 200...) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8018991.stm
Judge for yourself http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=759541#759541 6 Queens U Students [returning from Cancun] test positive...
http://www.nypost.com/seven/04252009/news/regionalnews/queens/queens_private_school_students_sick_afte_166182.htm 6 QUEENS STUDENTS [returning...
good article (translated from spanish) on flu and precautions at Cancun Airport...
If you go, take flu medication (e.g. Tamiflu) with you. You cannot rely on local sources if there is a run on this medication.
I have written extensively about the subject on my blog www.CancunTravelog.com. FYI, the traffic spiked by x10 factor yesterday all related to...
I agree. I would wait and see. Remember, a lot of passengers to Cancun go thru Mexico City, the hub of virus infection.
Re: SWINE FLU???????????? There are no cases of swine flu reported from Cancun (yet). The cases reported can be seen on this swine flu map....
Re: Kenny Log-in..what tour company That part is chopped off, I don't know what it means. But in any case, we spent about 2+ hours...
Cancun down to Maya Riviera is a very busy corridor. So you can easily find a bus going down from downtown Cancun.
That lagoon I mentioned is poor-man's Xelha, natural, natural, natural. It is beautiful, although the fish is not as plentiful as Xelha, but for...
I 2nd Akumal. There is a lagoon next to Akumal that you just have to go to. Forgot its name. On the way to Aku, check out the cenotes......
Wow, cool. I miss the place now. Glad you liked it.
Correction: You can check out Punta Nizuc (sp?) right next to club med. I have seen folks snork there.. not sure how good it is. Best place...
I don't think there is good snorkling around Cancun. However, if you drive out and hit the centoes it can be pretty good! Or go to Isla...
Los Almendros (the almond) in downtown is pretty good. They specialize in Yucatan food (not the average taco deal), so it is worth giving them a...
"Is it worth it?" I just joined. Hi to everyone from a Cancun enthusiast. Snorkling in Cozumel is second to none (at least for me). You...