Someone from Mex posted on my blog that Tamiflu can be had in Mexico for $40 US without prescription. I don't know anything more about that, and...
pj, there are no vaccines against swine flu right now. One can try a regular-flu vaccine just in case :) Tamiflu and Releza are to be taken...
Maybe I am too much of a paranoid and some others who believe all is well in paradise are right. I do hope as heck that they are! We will...
Because of being attacked here multiple times (not by you Danger), I just present the article, and you guys decide. I think your point correlates...
Hi Rivergirl, I suggest we stick to facts. We do not need to attack each other. Today I provided newspaper articles that people back from...
I think 7 weeks a long time, and this thing will sort itself out. I would not start worrying now. No cases have been reported in Cancun....
I read that specific number 7% in a yahoo news article (I think) that I cannot find right now. It compared it to Spanish Flu of early in the...
Have a great trip. This is one of those one in a million stuff, so as long as you are prepared, no problems.
"But there is no vaccine to protect humans from swine flu. "...
Great info ffto. I don't think there currently is a vaccine for this thing. Tamiflu is not available over-the-counter. ffto is in the...
That's a good point. I will change it to something that will not make a direct implication.
Tamiflu is supposed to be taken up to two days AFTER the symptoms appear. There is unfortunately nothing to take before symptoms, or to stop the...
GREAT post, Dangers. I agree with everything you said. Just small correction: kill rate for this one is 7% in Mex which is truly scary.
Jeez, that is a tough question. The good news is that it will probably become more clear by Thursday, as this is a fast moving story. If...
A lot of people go to Cancun thru Mexico City. To think that Cancun can stay immune is illogical IMHO. No cases "reported" does not mean no...
Canada just confirmed young people coming back from Yucatan got swine flu (a coincidence?)....
"They had been part of a group of students who were on a school trip to Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula in early April, Dr. Gaynor Watson-Creed,...
Yes, true about NYPost, not my favorite rag, but here we go.. CDC just confirmed that the kids got swine flu (1 hour ago...)...
Watch this CDC swine flu video on youtube. It is a good one. [media]
I have worked very hard today to collect/collate the information about the very fast moving story of swine flu and present it in a way that...