I heard the fairy is walking distance from temptation, But I would like specific info, too! aragincajun do you have a day picked out to go...
Tipping $10 is a seriously generous tip for shared. :shock: $40 tip would be ludicrous. :roll: This is Mexico after all. It's a 15...
I clicked on "Shared Airport Transfers" I see now that you are recommending the Private transfer, I will go ahead and book with USA, better...
How long does it take on the bus to go from TTR to Wal-Mart?
Airport Tranfers I just click the link ant the bottom of the page wanting to arrange a transfer, it linked over to a company called Best Day...
We just got our costumes yesterday, (Pretty Slutty) Any prizes for the costume contest? Anybody else have their costume yet?
Since your name means "Yes" is spanish, Hope that does not cause any awkward situations.
Re: Booze cruise for the 30th ?? we would be interested in the cruiser as well, We will be there 10/31/ - 11/04 if you want to email a pic so...
That's a good point, Is there any danger of getting stuck with double beds? Seeing how this is basically a couples resort I would assume most...
This point is relevant to my interests. This is my first time to TTR, Is there a certain side of the resort or rom type I should request when...
Re: Hi I disagree with the cold comment, I have been to Cancun in November and PV in Dec and the weather was awesome, Like M-n-K, I am...
first trip First timers from North Dallas 10/31 - 11/05 Hoping to get wild!