10 Day countdown for me to, Atleast my days off are going quick
Ah 13 more days to go, I'm on my 6 days off than I go back to work for 6. Than 2 weeks of sun and booze I never wanted my days off to go by so...
Lol I'll throw in free head rubs on the drunk canadian bald guy, It's the least I can do
How about that just so happens I'm a man from Canada what are the odds lol.
15 more days to go, can't wait to meet everyone
I'll be there from Feb 27th to March 13th, like yourself I'm single and traveling solo
Lol I'd like to comment on your no comment, As far as no comment's go you did a fine job. Two wishes for you lol
Sounds good Steve put me down for one. Dave
Lol never been more happier to be a bald guy. It's good luck to rub a bald guy's head ya know lol
So I know I mentioned before in a nother thread but I never got a response, I really need to get out fishing one day while I'm there if anyone is...
It's good to know that some of the ladies got my back, or er my front in some cases lol.
Re: bald Lol Going to be best vacation ever lol. Way Awsome Bern lol
Your a lucky guy hopefully I can find a volunteer to do the same lol.
Sunscreen made by Head Blade I'll check it out, I always tend to do good at keeping it protected at the start but by the tenth beer or so...
Ha ya us bald guys definately need to stick together, now if I can just find myself a nice gal to rub suntan lotion on to keep from burning lol
22 more days, 12 more shifts till freedom!
12 more shifts over the next 22 days till I'm there, now if I can just find my sandals
Right on look forward to meeting all of you, just look for the canadian maple leaf tatoo on my left shoulder that should make me stand out, if a...
I'm definately up for a booze cruise.
Wow just noticed my mistake, I'm there from Feb 27th till march 13th, that's what I get for posting after a 12 hour night shift lol. Awsome if...