The Beach Palace does have a beach. As a matter of fact, it has one of the only stretches of beach that isn't filled with the gigantic rocks that...
I know that this is an 'old' thread, but I am researching restaraunts and ran across this about Perico's. Fun perhaps, but apparently not as...
Re: We have used this one for 2 year I recall seeing something very negative about these folks on TA and would be careful about taking the...
But why is it (that you prefer to live in the US)? Is it because it is the 'easiest' place on earth to live? Even if that were true, and I...
It looks like everything that's there now will still be there after Dean. For how long - who knows, but you have that risk from many sources, not...
[img] VERY well said.
:clap: I agree.
Re: ATT Wireless in Cancun Theres a newer place "" that will send you a phone to use in Mexico. They're cheap and they work everywhere.
Seeing you in these pics makes me wonder if Isla isn't missing a great opportunity to market itself as Santa's summer home....
I second (raising hand). Let's move on.
Tip ex :?:
That IS blonde hair I see on your signature graphic, isn't it :!:
Well, we know that she wouldn't have done what the blonde did, right? So she either gives up on getting the phone or she does what she has to...
I've quit smoking - cigarettes - 3 times already. I think that to quit smoking cigarettes you have to quit drinking 'cause there's very few...
This is GREAT. I'm going to have a set of business cards made with this number on it. So perfect.
Hey now - its smarter than what the brunette would have done.