Our first time 10/01-10/08. R
Join FB TTR Cancun Party Page (if you haven't already) and give us feedback on my wife's theme night outfits. She wants to embrace anything goes...
For us newbies, "another lingerie night" means no panties ? And yes we would like to know about corset night too ? R
My wife and I will be at TTR for the first time !0/01-10/08. Although looking great for her age (49), my wife is a size 12-14, not the size 4-6...
Hello Roger and Angie. My wife and I will be there for our first time 10/01-10/08. R
Steve, if I want to save this message/thread for future reference, can I do that ? Thanks. R
Thank you Steve. Although I am pretty good with FB, I am still having trouble navigating this forum format. Any suggestions/short cuts are...
My wife and I will be at TTR for the first time 10/01-10/08. Not there on a referral, I am aware that we do not have to attend a sales...
My wife and I will be at TTR for the first time 10/01-10/08. Not on a referral, I am aware that we do not have to go to a sales presentation. What...
Two years ago we spent a week on the Big Island. The is a topless optional beach on the Kona side. R
My wife and I have been shopping for the last week and have her set for all seven theme nights (10/01-10/08). Yes, I did say her. It is all about...
Octoberbreast 2015 My wife and I (Juanna/Royce) will be at TTR 10/01-10/08 for our first trip there. Please add us to the roll call. Although I...
October 10/01-10/08 My wife Juanna and I, Royce will be there 10/01-10/08 for our first trip there.
Octoberbreast 2015 My wife and I will be there Oct.1-8 (first time). We are meeting friends Micky/Kempa who were there same time last year. We...