Ttr Sad that TTR will be closed this Oct. We will miss our new friends. My wife, I, Mick and Kempa have moved to 8/24-8/31. R
My wife and I will be there 8/24-8/31. Have any of August's theme nights been established ? Thanks. R
Theme nights Have any of the August theme nights been established ? Thanks. R
Ttr 8/24-8/31 Please add my wife and I. 8/24-8/31 Thank you. R
This past Oct was the first trip to TTR for my wife and I. We chose the first week in Oct because of two other couples we were meeting there....
water temp We didn't have a hot hub room, but the real fun is when the sexy pool is full and the shots are being passed around, the AIWC is...
LOL 69 is that heated ? If so, then not warm enough, especially on a cloudy Feb-Mar day. If my wife gets wet/cold to often, she ends up with a...
water temp It sounds like this "heating" the sexy pool goes on year round ? Or does TTR only turn it on/off depending on season ? My wife and I...
Water Temp We have considered going in Feb-Mar in addition to our normal Oct. But looking at the Cancun average temps for Feb-Mar, it averages...
I am still interested in becoming a TTR owner. Any owner interested in selling their contract please contact me on this forum or by email...
I am interested in buying a TTR contract from a current owner. Preferably less than 20 weeks. Please contact me via email R
A sheer cover ? Breasts/nipples technically "covered". J
Anyone flying out of DFW on Sun Country non-stop to Cancun on Thursday 10/01 ? R
There are Temptations Cancun Community, Temptations Referral Exchange and the one that you can post pics in the comments, Temptations Cancun Party...
Definitely a female. My wife is bi-curious. I encourage her. R
My wife and I will be at TTR for the first time 10/01-10/08. We are retired, veteran travelers/partyers. From Fantasyfest in Key West to Orient...
60 and 49 here, retired, veteran travelers from Texas that are going to TTR for the first time 10/01-10/08. Would we like to be younger, sure. But...
My wife and I recently joined this forum in preparation for our first trip to TTR 10/01-10/08. We are retired, veteran travelers/partiers from...
Darin/Melissa, Downtown Ft.Worth ? We live in west Arlington. We have been all over FT.Worth and Arlington over the last week shopping for theme...
Hey Darin, If the nervous women are already topless, what magic does Melissa do next ? Looking to meet you two and find out. From Texas says it...