Is she not with temptations anymore?
Did you say dancing? Maybe we will try that this trip Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
This is us. I always grab 2 chairs but usally 4_8 of us share them
Whoo hoo I'm part of a record. Congrats steve
We will be there the same time and have gone before in October. Tell us a bit about yourself. Welcome to the group
Check out the search box too. Many of these questions have been answered and discussed, not that you can't discuss them further.
This is swayer.
I think we had as much fun buying the outfits then trying them on at home as we did wearing them at ttr
if you do go I recommend participating in the theme nights especially the ones on this site. It is a lot of fun to dress up and look super sexy...
best advice I could give is read these forums and ask questions when you have them. I remember before our first trip being nervous about what to...
That is why I'm torn weather or not I would prefer this place to be a couples resort. We have met some great singles and had lots of fun with them...
Wife always gets real sexy and I usally rock some boxer briefs