Hah...found it, will be there on the 7th -14th, can't wait!!
Participate I think its much more fun to participate, and we met some of the nicest people when we started jumping in and getting active....
We just got back 2 weeks ago, we also did not get charged extra for the safe. Mike and Mary are correct on the scuba, we actually did do the...
Thanks Ice, I am sure it would have been even more fun if you were there! :)
Sorry it didn't work for you, but we had a blast! H&D, Sorry, we never hooked up with you, but we did meet tons of other wonderful folks while...
Just got back 2 hours ago, already missing it! As it turns out, I ended up on the winning teams for tequila volleyball & wild tequila volleyball,...
Just got back, spent most of the trip topless! :) I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about the whole topless thing until I got there either....
Leaving on the 14th! Only 6 more days! :D PS: finally got a photo up, but its a lousy older one, just seems I am always taking the photos, so...
I love almost everything Currently, top disks in my rotation include the new Sugarland, new Coldplay, some older Santanna, and Step Up 2...
Here's Our info Think I got 'em all...lol...interesting thread... 1. Name(s), Alan, Malyssa 2. age range 58, 38 3. were are you from KS all...
Will be there Sept 14-21 First-timers, my hubby and I will be there Sept. 14-21, and from reading here, I can't wait! :D