:( I have a white bikini...not overly worried about it being ruined, I'd rather not pass up the shots over a bathing suit.
@BJ&mark.... Exactly!!
Awesome :) you'll have a good head start on your tan by the time we get there, hopefully we'll find you guys and get to meet !
Hi Steve Deposit for B-J&mark was sent in by me, that's why there are four from me :) hope that clears it up.
Lol I know....I will be better I promise. Currently drinking hot lemon water. Workin on it.
I'm with you there Bryan. Can't wait to meet everyone in person, thats half the excitement:aktion033:
Lucky! We dont get in until 8pm or so...so won't be at the resort until late I'd imagine!:icon_sad:
Yes! Awesome, 14 days. I'm so excited, but unfortunately got a wicked cold right now :( better to get it before I'm there! Need some suuuuun.
Lots of porn-related photos, which I'm still trying to figure out.
Lol of course.
Yeah it was the closet I could get to being relevant to our convo. Btw..interesting results on google if you search sexy mops under images. Just...
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_VtQnXcqX1r8/SFKYlLxj8vI/AAAAAAAAAf8/qWNgOlzaQCk/s400/the+mops.jpg Don't know if this worked.
Sounds like something else I know of....