Our second trip in may has been booked separate to the flights so we are looking for a decent transfer. Sounds like these guys might be worth a look
Welcome to our commonwealth cousins We are from the UK and will be there from the 25th May for our 2nd trip in 6 months You will have a blast!
We arrive on the 25th for our 2nd visit in 6 months!
What's everclear?
How long did you leave the cherry soaking or and was it vodka?
Does anyone know when the Nay boobs cruise is put up? Arriving on the 25th and due to missing one last year really don't want to miss the boat ;)
And don't worry about forgetting the code, our suddenly stopped working one day and a guy came with a little black box and unlocked it
Swinging at TTR? We have been swinging since Fred Flintsone was a baby and still haven't seen any swinging at TTR We must scare people off lol
Would love a little play area
Thinking of a paty o facing room this time as the music last October ended around 2 which was fine
Are they really worth it? I'm undecided where to ask for a room this time as last time were were on the 1st floor directly above Margaritas :(...
How much is the total with VIP?
We didn't do this last time, how much are the tickets?
We find that our good old secret phrase works every time "I not having sex with these!" ;)
We don't arrive till the 25th :( Who else is there from the UK?
Damn, will have to rethink then. Tried for a quiet pool room last time but nothing going :(