Damit Boy! The boobs cruise was definetely a highlight of our first trip to Cancun. Loved the group of people on the boat, everyone seemed to be...
First time for us also..... we gonna do everything we read about and then some..... lol ---- as they say "If there's a will there is a way!!!"...
:lotsofmichaelfs:Yea Baby!!! HOT GROUP!!!!! We all gonna have the time of our lives! Who will be the lucky 3 remaining peeps to join us to ensure...
:clappyinghappy: We Paid! First trip to Cancun, First Booze Cruise, First ????? We may be Newbie's but you will never believe it!!!! If we don't...
:daveandmo:Deposit Paid. Flight Paid, Hotel Paid........Booze is free!!!!! Going on the Booze Cruise....... Priceless!!! ---- It don't get no...
Ha...... what r friends for and your cracking the whip! Sticks and stones may break r bones but chains and whips excite us! I hope Mexico is...
Count us in on the 18th
:xyxthumbs: Tues 17th sounds good to us.
Naw....... You can be so bad that your good. Just following doc's orders, got to "sexercise" and stay in shape! lol:huepfen021: That's what...
We call tequila our diet drink.....because when we drink it, it makes our clothes fall off and all we want to do is :huepfen013: exercise...
We scared! It wont be nothing that tequila cant fix! lol Who knows we may scare ya'll after we drink tequila shots. Open the gates...........
Congrats to everyone having an anniversary. It be our first time at TTR . We also will be celebrating our anniversay. We will be there 13th -...
Craig & Suanne sent you our information and you have added us to the May roll call from May 13th - May 20th. We sent our pic to Steve today and...
If it is between May 15 and May 19th you can count us in!!!