I though people were giving out about techno music in TTR, but this playlist sounds like dancing pop - rather easy on the ear so no complaints...
jager bombs? :-) We love them too!!! Lets have few on 26th! See you in TTR
29th is our last day, so just wondering could we get the orange bracelets before the cruise? I can't remember where and when I Seen the post that...
Only 3 weeks to take off! It's getting closer and closer... so excited! Yaaahaaa
Sorry to hear that! Hope it all work out for you!
hey hey! Yep, sign up for boobs cruise on 29th Oct. It's almost full, so don't delay :-)
paramedic on board during our stay! Yeehaa - feel safer already! :-)
But you would have to pay dearly for that food suitcase! :-) ;-)
This is looking like a very busy cruise! :flash::partytime::flash::partytime: :flash: :partytime:
If we fell in love with TTR on our stay in late Oct (26-30) we may come back for last 5 nights of our Mexican holiday in November (4-9) instead of...
Thanks VanGuy! Rentals are crazy expensive because the gear is crazy expensive itself :-) And I wouldn't trust any other gear than my own, I like...
Is it windy very often? And is it just windy or windy with a storm? We were considering taking our kiteboarding quiver but were told not to...
24 more sleeps for us! Yay!!!
skinny? NOT HOT? Of course!
;-) thanks! We will try our best to have tons of fun in Mexico :-)
Deposit paid. Looking forward to cruising with you all :-)
I'd say you would be melting in it anyway... I'm also loosing my head trying to find a costume or my hubby... Any ideas? We won't be in TTR for...
in exactly 4 weeks time we will be on our way... :-) Arriving on Fri 26 Oct, leaving on Tue 30 Oct. What about you?
hi guys! Hope to see you in TTR for few drinks. :-)
hi guys, it's getting closer... only 4 weeks left for us! So excited! We will be booking Steve's boobs cruise on 29th (slightly crazy idea for a...