technically 4 more sleeps but practically it means only 3 as the last nights before our super early morning flights are always spend on doing last...
Only 5 more sleeps and not a single thing packed yet. Better make a start on it this evening!
Yeah, we were seriously considering switching, specially that there are such lovely people booked on it already. But only last night realised...
American, European, African, Australian or Asian - does not matter, no politics! Just peace and love! x AND PARTY of course :-)
Yay! We are arriving on 26th so just on time for your birthday celebrations! :aetsch004:
I'm celebrating my birthday on 3rd Nov but it won't be in TTR... Our last night is 29th so can have a pre birthday celebrations ;-) Happy...
Only a week to go! Yay! :clappyinghappy: :daveandmo: :flash: :69: :partytime: :bunny: :aktion031: :musik026: :lotsofmichaelfs: :bootyshake:...
So is anyone else thinking of switching to 27th? They need another 8 people for the cruise to go ahead.
O.....M.....G.... I'm not sure if we are ready for this craziness! :-)
You won't be disappointed with the book - it's a truly great read! The only downside to reading any book after watching its big screen version is...
Ibiza and Barbados... sorry guys, no pity feelings for You!
Can't say we have much experience with All Inclusive, except for our honeymoon, we usually do totally different kind of holidays... All...
And I thought it was All Inclusive....:icon_confused:
They seek Spanish speaking peeps to meet on their TTR holiday 1-15 Jan, hence the post in Spanish not English! :-) ;-)
Did you read reviews on Some are priceless! Wigs (The United States)'s review of...
Ah.. poor you... NOT! Compare it with 18 hours and 3 flights we have to suffer through! (But I'm sure it will be all well worth it) Somebody...
I would have to disagree... my hubby suffered rather badly during my absolutely torturous "read" (I actually ended up more scanning through it...
We are only departing from Miami at 4.10 pm, so you should be in TTR 3h ahead of us! Get the drinks tasting going so you can recommend something...
I like boardshorts on men. Doesn't matter whether they have a perfect body or not, it's just my personal aesthetic preferences :-)
Shantram by Gregory David Roberts is one of my favourite books. it's unisex, my husband really enjoyed it too. For the ladies - The Time...