I had a PE four years ago -- blocked one lung and partial on the other. I had no pain, just extreme shortness of breath. I almost died, because...
They captured #2 tonight, about 8:30 PM. He is wounded. I hope he starts singing!
At Hedo, about 25% are great jobs, 50% acceptable, 25% need rework and appear to have been done at "Jiffy Boob." If you are a sci-fi fan, there...
No date set yet, but the pain management is not working very well. It looks as if she will have the operation about the time we were scheduled to...
It looks as if we will have to cancel. Linda is going to need a shoulder replacement, as it is giving her a lot of pain. We simply are NOT going...
That's OK, Neil_Jo. A good friend of mine had that happen to him during the Apollo program.
I retired from making WMDs; Linda was a flight attendant. Now all we make is trouble!
Anything that would get you arrested in Wal-Mart.
GOOD IDEA! There are lots of creative ideas to throw around.
Looking forward to meeting you two! We are there May 2-11
Linda refers to it as "testosterone poisoning."
We have discovered "bug sticks," which you apply to the bite. They contain ammonia, which apparently eases the itching. We will bring some...
Thank you, KIMNTOYA! We are there May 2-11 and will bring some repellant. One time, we were in the car, listening to the radio when an ad came...
This is probably an old subject, but -- how bad are the mosquitos and "noseeums" at TTR? Linda is a supermagnet for them, so do we need...
Orval & Linda
We are arriving on AA 2147, at 5:10 on May 2. Anybody else arriving that time and want to share the limo?
Thank you -- we will dress up after dinner.
I see that we arrive on a Thursday afternoon, and that Lingerie night is that night. Does the theme start at dinner, or after dinner? So, do we...
We will be there May 2-11, as first timers at TTR. We used to go to Hedo, but the place has gone to the dogs -- no maintenance, etc. Sometimes...
We'll be there May 2-12.