Doctors will tell you simply.................... "It's all about calories in, and calories burned!" I have lost 7 lbs in ONE WEEK. from 217 to...
Thanks. Send us some pics too!!!!! I'm gonna make sure that we will have a kinky night ourselves that night here instead of there!
We were looking forward to meeting you all, but unfortunately had to cancel the trip! I'll wait to hear from you about how the room crawl went,...
Well I'm fine with that! But the wife-mate feels that she has indulged a LOT of my requests while there, such as topless at the pool and beach,...
My two "scents"............... I would personally love to cut off my late night craziness in the club a little early, and go to a Hot tub/Pool in...
My wife will be wearing a very sheer dress. I'm trying to have her wear sheer bra and thong too! That just might be pushing it for her. We'll see.....
Well I for one have been on a diet since the new year began. My resolution was to lose 10 lbs by the time we arrive on March 7th. I ONLY HAVE 15...
March 7-11 for us. Boobs cruise a must
Hmmmmmm....... tempting! March 7-11 for us
Will the rooftop pool/jacuzzi be open to ALL guests?
You MUST do the boobs cruise!!!
See ya there 7-11.
Hmmmm................ Interesting!!! Never done it, buuuuuuttttt.....Maybe. Need more info about it.
Wet is good.................
Looking to book the 9th. Anyone else that day?
I have read some posts that describe the couples massage as well worth it. Supposedly very sexy and sensuous. Heard it can get quite hot.........
7th-11th for us. Second time there. This 'ol fart can still party, and although my wife is shy, we still have a great time once she warms up...
Duh.................. Let me see............... EVERYBODY!
Just got home wednesday night from our first trip! 5 days....... and we did not stop going! Nonstop eating drinking, socializing, partying,...