Bill can have my Rainbow tea bag that Melissa made me wear last year if he wants lol
Hi guys, are we able to contribute from the UK?
You've picked a great time to do, you won't regret it xx
Think the trick is to do a few shorter visits per day. I (les) usually try to train 3 times a day if I can drag myself away from the sexy pool
US US US US US, opps we've already said we would. Getting a tad excited lol xx
This is a post from May 2010 not May 2011 numpties pmsl
I've asked Les to hunt some down but we won't be able to bring any as we only get 20kgs for 2 weeks, bad times..... We'll make it up in other ways...
Add your names onto the epic group thread x Lynfa x
I suffered last time, mainly due to being hungover lol! Steves fantastic wife Janet gave me a tablet that kicked in within 20 mins and I was fine....
Tropical passion sounds VERY apt :p Lynfa x
Lynfa has her nipples done before she had her boob job and it looked so so sexy. She had an increase in sensation. She had her clit done around...
Paul I (les) don't care about the pool party either way because I intend on being very very drunk so I won't remember it anyway. Hope your gonna...
Ha ha, this has ticked me because Lynfa didn't mention what we get up to the night before we fly which means a lot of wok for me lol. :3some:
They are the biggest freaks ever. They just stirred up as much shit as possible. Steve licked them off in the end but they keep coming back under...
Sounds great fun guys. We also like the idea of naked twister mmmmm xx
Les takes a sleeping tablet and passes put which is great cos I get his food as well as my own lol. I watch all the films and get hyper excited...
Jenn, the more you bring with you the more you get in return lol :69:
Pity you aren't going to be there while we're there, you guys seem lush xxx
Mingling with people in the sexy pool and getting drunk with them in the night and then ending up down the beach lol