Packing up our bags Hubs bag is at 33 pounds my bag is around 10 .. he has clothes shorts , shirts ..pants right now my bag has .. condoms ..lube...
cool we will be there can def hang out with us :)
we go twice a year ..march then sept .. one year we snuck in a third trip and sadly some years its just the once ..
I know tons of people who didn't do shots and drank what ever was in there cup person had virgin frozen drinks the whole trip you don't...
we have about 26 .. already packing ..
for 2 people it should be quick and easy ..if you have a butler they will do it for you .. or you just call up .. for more than 4 then a few days...
Walmart has slacks for like 10 bucks lol … the only time hubs wears them are funerals weddings and vacation
I have seen them let people in and turn them away for jeans I take hubs a couple pair of slacks ..we tumble out of the pool run upstairs take a...
so I will no longer have red hair .. going with purple so should be easy to spot lol
I bet they didn't even think of it since the other pool didn't need it ...but since this pool is so much bigger and a bit deeper it takes longer...
we generally go to dinner early .and usually people go in a dress or slacks and change into the sheer or reveling clothes for the party . Not sure...
we went in sept and it was great hopefully march will be warm of enough that we aren't the only ones in hehe
I have seen people who go full out with Victoria secret walkway outfits and then you know pasties and panties .. and everything in between I...
we are easy to find .. I've got a dragon tat around my boob :) bright red hair maybe still deciding might change … when not in a hat ..and hubs...
lol I have the red hair and I was thinking if we do abc for hero night .. I can buy a lot of ivy and wrap it in places and come as poison ivy .....
we are always open to making new friends you can hang out with us :)
they say they didn't feel the need to heat it since it generally is warm but you get a week with little sun and that thing gets cold if its cold...
I wanted to add for smokers this is a must .. don't get the one with a removable gasket .. a drunk will take it out and play with it and break...
i think people like super hero cause women super hero wear nothing hehe they use to have an abc .. any thing but clothes if yall wanted to do that ?
my glow night outfit is pretty meshy to though lol my whole week theme might be mesh with hits at the theme lol