no I ment the little plastic bottle .. just gonna grab my booze from the store across the street I get 40 pounds for luggage .. just went through...
I have seen those giant unicorns .. and just big floats so pretty much anything you want last sept one guy had that unicorn and somehow he got so...
sometimes they keep the tequila in the fridge but if not they will give you one of the big shot glasses with ice in it and you can put your...
yeah crown is black band as well ..hubs and I have our bubba mugs so we can do crown and jack with out having to get glasses from the premier bar...
jack is for black band , they have jim bean for everybody I know behind the bar has diet not sure about ginger ale but the shop has everything .....
the bubba mugs are still around I am taking mine you don't have to bring alcohol there's a shop right across the street that sells it they put...
the bottle idea sounds good but my bag is at 30 pounds with out my shoes ..on the way back it is going to be 5 pounds once all the party stuff is...
our dollar store was all out .. but the little cups for the bathroom work just fine I got 50 for a dollar
I was thinking at bash we have seen people with a bottle at bash but I don't remember if they actually set it on the table or just kept it kinda...
so I had an idea for our anniversary to go buy a bottle of fireball and have some shot glasses (ie little bathroom 3 oz cups cause they are...
good review I like how instead of complaining about the rain , you turned it in to the best you could do did yall have a kind of rainy night and...
I picked this up at my local grocery store worked well if you can't find the tea look up yarrow ..people have used it forever for being sick...
hubs and are are 47 and we are not hot bods lol ..we did just buy a gym though so you never know … but we drink at the pool all day and close bash...
our butler helped me pass out a bunch ..he was bored said we never gave him anything to do lol
wear layers on the plane .. blue jeans .. an under shirt, a shirt, a long sleeve shirt, a hoodie .. maybe some shorts under the jeans and a...
we bring an inflatable beach ball and play keep it up ..if you drop it you do a shot .. they let us get away with that no issues some people...
my morning drink is pineapple juice with coconut rum ..yum , shots ask for a weee wee .. its pineapple juice , orange juice and coconut rum
ohh forgot waterproof bandaids i know you can buy them across the street but they weigh nothing and so handy
lol have to feed the hubs ..our motto is have to eat to drink I have to debate the shoes to bring ..try to have one pair that can go with...
I take little suction cup hooks to hang in the shower ..we stay in the garden view so not sure about the tower