if you have dyed your hair and its not something that is normally at Walmart ..bring an extra bottle .. the chlorine will rip it right out of your...
cool thanks
getting excited now .. most of my clothes have arrived .. already putting stuff in my suit case hehehe
do they have towels ? or do I need to grab one ?
hubs last night told me ..his fit bit is waterproof so I don't have to wear a watch ..
I will have pink hair and a dragon tattoo on my boobie .. so easy to find .. I generally wear a hat but I take it off all the time so people can...
we are premier but this time we book through Travelocity they had a package that was cheaper than just staying at the hotel we were told even...
cool we will know someone hehe
maybe they mixed it up and thought they were on the booze cruise ?
we are booked will be our first .. we had booked before but didn't actually make it to the boat the day we were supposed to go it was stormy .....